Legal notice
Fine Brands Company Zrt. (“FBC”) publishes the information, documents or other written materials displayed on this website for information purposes only. The sites on this server may not be modified, reproduced or used for commercial purposes by the user. Any unauthorized use will have legal consequences in terms of copyright, criminal and civil law. The elements of this site are specifically protected by copyright law and other acts, according to which the elements of the site may not be copied or used in whole or in part. FBC reserves the right to modify or revise its website at any time, and FBC does not guarantee the continuity or error-free access to the linked or listed websites. FBC excludes any responsibility for the content or reliability of the websites linked from its website. FBC assumes no responsibility for the suitability for any purpose of the information contained on the sites published on this server. All documents, illustrations and images are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and are subject to change without notice. FBC is a committed representative of responsible beverage consumption. We do not recommend the consumption of alcoholic beverages for people under 18 years of age.